Seasonal Market Finds

5 Winter Squash Varieties You Might Only Find at the Farmers Market

5 Winter Squash Varieties You Might Only Find at the Farmers Market

It’s definitely squash season out there! There are so many different varieties out there, that it can be hard to keep track of what varieties are best for different applications. Some squashes are better for soups, and others are better roasted. Knowing what to look…

4 Sweet Potato Varieties To Look For at the Fall Farmers Market

4 Sweet Potato Varieties To Look For at the Fall Farmers Market

There are so many different kinds of sweet potatoes, that it can be a little intimidating. Today, I’m doing a deep dive on four different sweet potato varieties that are commonly seen at the farmers market, along with recipe ideas for what to do with…

Farmers Market Finds: August, Part 2

Farmers Market Finds: August, Part 2

August is hot, hot, hot! And humid. I’ve been drinking a ton of water to ensure that I’m properly hydrated. I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely notice an improvement in my mood when I am properly hydrated. Infusing some fresh mint into…

Farmers Market Finds: August, Part 1

Farmers Market Finds: August, Part 1

I cannot believe it is August already. The summer is flying by, and I’m soaking up every bit of it that I can.  Summer markets are always my favorite, probably because of the wide variety of produce that’s in season. And in August, we’re right…

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 4

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 4

Can you believe it’s already the end of July? It feels like the Fourth was just yesterday. The summer heat is here, and now is the time to enjoy “no-cook” dinners. More salads are on the menu this week, as are sandwiches and other easy…

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 3

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 3

The summer farmers market is in full swing! This week’s finds are quite extensive, and I’m looking forward to using all this produce in meals throughout the week.

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 2

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 2

My farmers market haul isn’t big this week; I am not actually planning to cook much, considering that it isn’t my week to cook (my husband and I trade off cooking duties). What I did buy, however, are staples that we use all the time. 

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 1

Farmers Market Finds: July, Part 1

What you can find at farmers markets constantly changes, and varies based on location. In fact, the variety can make it really hard to plan ahead of time what you need, because something might not quite be in season yet, the crop might not have…