Tag: citrus

Spicy Carrot and Cabbage Slaw

Spicy Carrot and Cabbage Slaw

Spring is finally here! And now that winter is behind us, farmers markets will move back to their outdoor locations, and more variety in produce will arrive. One of the first non-winter crops harvested is a perennial favorite: carrots. This transitional time of year is…

Seasonal Thanksgiving Recipes that may become New Traditions

Seasonal Thanksgiving Recipes that may become New Traditions

Thanksgiving is full of local traditions, both regional and individual (or, more likely, familial). Thanksgiving could mean turkey (of course), or lobster (a New England tradition), or maybe wild-rice casserole (if you’re in Minnesota). The regional variety makes sense, as different things are seasonal across…

Unusual Citrus You’ll Find at the Winter Farmers Market

Unusual Citrus You’ll Find at the Winter Farmers Market

Step aside, lemons and limes! There are so many citrus varieties out there to try. This week, I am focusing on a selection of unusual citrus varieties that I’ve seen at the farmers market and all the ways to incorporate them into your cooking.

In general, citrus fruits hybridize incredibly easily. There are so many more varieties than what I could fit in here.
